Photo Album Pink Heron, 078433 has left the product lineup of our importer

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Photo Album Pink Heron, 078433

Photo album, Haikara v.pun, 078433

Material: grey fabric and tin coating
Dimensions:140x40x190 mm. Image size
:10x15 cmImages
:Stork & Bow Tie

.We can engrave your child's name and birthday, for example, on the bottom of the album cover free of charge. First choose engraving and the style of text to be engraved, then enter the information to be engraved in the "text to be engraved" field.You can add more information about your engraving in the "more information" field at the bottom of the checkout page.Please note! Engraved products are non-returnable!

SKU 20193
Engraving 50
mpn 078433